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Palette de peintres

About me

Self-taught painter, specializing in abstract works and decorative art.
Passionate about the beauty of colors, but also the power that a work has to magnify your interior.

I specialize in particular in works made with many reliefs, various textures and the color gold.

JI started painting about seven years ago, it first started with the intention of decorating my interior and little by little my passion was born and I never stopped painting and creating.

I learned to paint on my own and thanks to the internet, so I am very grateful for people taking the time to post videos on the web, which has allowed me to evolve over the years.

I especially started by painting landscapes, I escape as much in this practice as by reading a good book, it's magic! Thereafter, I evolved little by little towards the abstract to finally find my own style. The paintings that I offer you today are my real favorites and the pleasure of creating them only increases day by day. As you can see, in my gallery, I have a great preference for gold, silver, shiny materials… Almost all my canvases are made up of these shimmering colors! 


We are undeniably in the era of recycling and an urgent need to consume responsibly.
As a result, I am committed to using recycled canvases most of the time and within the limits of my possibilities.
That is to say, give the possibility to a canvas to have a second life by repainting a new work on the original. But it also aims to allow you to acquire a canvas made by a painter at a lower cost, for the purpose of art accessible to all. In addition, this process is almost imperceptible at the time of the result 
final and therefore only has many advantages.


We are undeniably in the era of recyclingand an urgent need to consume responsibly. As a result, I am committed to using recycled canvases most of the time and within the limits of my possibilities. That is to say, give the possibility to a canvas to have a second life by repainting a new work on the original. But it also aims to allow you to acquire a canvas made by a painter at a lower cost, for the purpose of art accessible to all. In addition, this process is almost imperceptible at the time of the final result and therefore has many advantages.

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07 68 29 61 25



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